Aly Halpert

“Aly’s music is deep, powerful and beautiful. Her songs bring out the best in all of us.”




Loosen is a collection of original music about healing, both individual and collective, and imagining the world as it could be. Aly's first full-length album with a band, Loosen was recorded live by a group of eight musician friends and features rich harmony vocals, stirring strings, octave mandolin, baritone ukulele, and a tight and thoughtful rhythm section. The music ranges from raw to folky, ethereal to celebratory, calming to boisterous, exploring the ache of what it is to be alive right now. The album draws from Jewish traditions, liturgy, and practice, and is grounded in visions of social justice.

Loosen was recorded with Rising Song Records and was released April 11th, 2022. Listen anywhere you get your music, and support on BandCamp. CDs will be available for purchase soon!



Nipple Confusion is a kids’ album for all ages. Conceived on a random afternoon hanging out with lots of queer friends and a baby, Nipple Confusion is inspired by a little one and the joyful mish-mosh of bio and queer family spread out over the U.S. and Canada who love them.

With songs written over a fourteen-month period, beginning with their mama’s labor and ending a little after their first birthday, Nipple Confusion addresses a breadth of topics, from parenting methodologies, to farts, to the importance of feeling your feelings. Unapologetically Jewish, queer, and political, you & your little friends and big friends can jam to niggunim about pooping, enjoy songs about bears, and envision a world without capitalism all on the same album. The songs on this album are for everyone, large and small, and are especially for families where “the love/around you/doesn’t look like a certain way”. This album is for you, in celebration of you, in a world that is better because of your light and goodness -- for queer families, and the child inside all of us.

Nipple Confusion was featured in Mombian, a parenting publication.

“My kids deserve to live in the world this album is building.”


Listen on SoundCloud


The Trump Song

The Trump Song is a song-story about collective liberation over fascism and capitalism. Based on true facts from the ex-president's childhood and true possibilities of what could happen if we rise up together, this song imagines what has to happen for someone to lose their heart and then to get it back.

White supremacy, sexism, racism, anti-Jewish oppression, and capitalism continue to literally break us and the earth. We need each other and our imaginations to envision a world of different possibilities. We need to take collective action, and we need to heal. This song is about that.


Support the work

Aly’s music touches hearts, releases laughter and inspires action. Her songs are heard on the streets at protests, in Jewish prayer, and in intimate song circles across the world. If you have been moved by Aly’s music, or love singing her songs in your community, please join her Patreon and support Aly in sharing more of her music medicine with the world.


Contact Aly to use original songs at events, gatherings, in videos, or in other public materials. 

“We get to play these songs for kids in our lives that are not only great songs, but also miraculously about radical queer love, diasporic Judaism, consent, feeling your feelings and loving the world.”

dori midnight 



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